Thursday, November 12, 2009

A mini life rant and things I miss

I am at the point where I am starting to miss some things from home. Of course I miss my family, friends, youth group and chruch friends, my rockford "family", and my dog. I know everyone is doing wonderful things in their lives and I am growing so much here too, but I honestly thought I would grow differently.

I have come to realize there are many people in my life currently who are just bringing me down. They are fakely happy for me and my growth, because they are so caught up in their own lives to honestly care about someone else. They don't seem to understand that I have to make an effort to come in contact with them. It is just frustrating. I have learned that in Ghana, any person, and I mean ANYONE will go out of their way to help you. For example, I have an old resident who is from Ghana. I recently talked to her and she gave me the phone number of her father and her sister because they both live in Ghana. She said if I needed anything, to just call them and let them know. That is like someone going to Iowa and me saying, "Oh I have an aunt there, you can stay with her!" But honestly, no one does that in the US.
Also, everyone smiles here!!! I LOVE IT! People are SOOOO HAPPY! Everyone says hello and asks how you are doing, and truly wants to know how you are doing!! :) Even strangers!

That's my mini-life rant. Now onto things I miss:
Chocolate, snack food (especially chips and dip and chips and salsa!), hot water for a shower, vegetables, hugs from my family, good conversation with my friends, playing piano, knowing where everything is, driving, fast food, ICE CREAM!, tap water, ... that's all I can think of right now

Things I DON"T miss:
TV, Having internet all of the time, a cell phone, the constant need to be in communication with others, text messaging, being on time (In Ghana, everything runs on Ghana time which is always being late!), stress, and being in a rush.

Life is just so laid back here and people live day by day. They want to help one another out, and will do so. People sho emotion in their faces and will look you in the eye to tell you about things. People love God and are thankful to him for being alive that day! They don't worry about what will happen in 20 years, or how they will pay their bills because they know He will provide for them, and if he doesn't, they have a family they can count on to help them. I love that the family unit is so important here. It doesn't matter if you aren't blood related, but if you see another Ghanaian in the US, he or she would be your brother or sister. It is a love for their country and each other that makes their society so strong.

I know this was sort of a crazy post, and not very informative about what I have been doing, but I'll up date on that soon.

God bless you all and I miss you!

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